E-book: Top 15 Power BI Dashboards

At Bismart, we understand that each journey towards excellence in data-driven decisions is unique. Download our ebook and explore the best Power BI Dashboards and how to create them.
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Read the complete ebook

▶️ Get inspired by the 15 most recommended Power BI Dashboards 
▶️ Improve your existing dashboards with must-have metrics and KPIs
▶️ Optimise your strategic plan and action plan with examples of innovative dashboards

Unlock the Power of Data: Download Our Free Ebook

Discover the 15 Must-Have Power BI Dashboards

Data visualization is a crucial aspect of modern business intelligence. Our expertly curated ebook, "The 15 Must-Have Power BI Dashboards" is designed to elevate your data analysis capabilities.

Whether you're a beginner or an advanced user, this resource provides valuable insights and templates to enhance your Power BI skills.

What's Inside the Ebook?

Our ebook is packed with top-tier dashboard examples, each tailored to meet specific business needs. Here’s a sneak peek:

1. Finance Dashboard

  • Features: Tracks annual and quarterly budgets, expected income, current revenue, and costs.
  • Use Case: Ideal for financial analysts and managers to monitor the financial health of the organization.

consolidated financials cuadro de mando financiero

2. Sales Dashboard

  • Features: Monitors current and quarterly sales, revenue per sale, and units sold by region and customer segment.
  • Use Case: Perfect for sales teams to track performance and set targets.

3. Cost Optimization Dashboard

  • Features: Analyzes current and historical costs, and tracks cost evolution.
  • Use Case: Essential for cost management and operational efficiency.

4. Customer Segmentation Dashboard

  • Features: Segments customers by demographics, behavior, and revenue.
  • Use Case: Helps marketing teams tailor campaigns and improve customer engagement.

customer segmentation dashboard by bismart-Sep-26-2023-09-29-41-5751-AM

5. Customer Journey Dashboard

  • Features: Maps out the customer journey stages, including conversion and churn rates.
  • Use Case: Useful for understanding customer behavior and improving conversion rates.


6. ABC Client Analysis Dashboard

  • Features: Analyzes customer portfolio, turnover, and gross margin.
  • Use Case: Assists in identifying high-value customers and optimizing business strategies.

02 - ABC Client Analysis

7. Marketing Insights Dashboard

  • Features: Tracks annual marketing budget, campaign success, and lead generation.
  • Use Case: Crucial for measuring the effectiveness of marketing efforts.

8. Social Media Engagement Dashboard

  • Features: Monitors interactions, engagement, and sentiment analysis on social media platforms.
  • Use Case: Ideal for social media managers to gauge campaign success and audience sentiment.

cuadro de mando redes sociales social media

9. Team Performance Dashboard

  • Features: Tracks departmental performance, productivity, and budget allocation.
  • Use Case: Useful for HR and management to monitor team efficiency and productivity.

10. Cross-selling & Up-selling Dashboard

  • Features: Identifies opportunities for cross-selling and up-selling using AI capabilities.
  • Use Case: Boosts revenue by recommending products to existing customers.

11. Hotel Management Dashboard

  • Features: Unifies data related to hotel management, including revenue, occupancy, and market trends.
  • Use Case: Helps hotel managers oversee all functional areas and optimize operations.


12. Power BI Viewer

  • Features: Allows visualization of all company reports from a single customizable space.
  • Use Case: Streamlines data governance and security while saving costs on licenses.

Discover Power BI Viewer here


13. Power BI Analytics

  • Features: Analyzes all activity recorded in Power BI Service with an unlimited historical repository.
  • Use Case: Enhances user productivity and monitors business activity over any time period.

Discover Power BI Analytics here


14. Power BI Data Catalog

  • Features: Self-documents datasets and complements them with functional descriptions.
  • Use Case: Empowers business users to create reports without technical assistance.

Discover Power BI Data Catalog here


Why Download This Ebook?

  • Expertly Curated Dashboards: Each dashboard is designed by industry experts to provide maximum insights.
  • Interactive and Customizable: Templates are fully interactive and can be customized to fit your specific needs.
  • Comprehensive Use Cases: Learn how each dashboard can be applied across different industries and functions.


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