Case Study | Municipal Services | Master Data Management
Master Data Management
City Council company that manages the public parking network, blue zone and tow truck, bus stops, civic agents and facilities such as zoos and parks.

- Organise and unify customer and transaction data from the different entities involved, to incorporate them into a corporate CRM tool.
- Address all the contacts obtained by the business areas in a coordinated manner.
- Acquisition of customer data from the different data sources
- Initial data de-duplication through ID and relevant fields
- Data Quality process that applies data mining algorithms and displays possible duplicates and applies a % hit rate to them
- Final user review to validate the elimination or not of proposed duplicates
- Additional database of transactions (tickets, reservations, consumptions,...) that links with the MDM
- Clients to get their real history.
- Data cleansing from different sources
- Informed CRM with unified real data that avoids errors in the relationship with customers/contacts
- Real knowledge of a customer's activity and possibility to exploit synergies between different areas of activity
More than 7 different business areas
Single data
More than 50,000 duplicates cleared
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